About Hammond

With Hammond you get experience.

We have been in your shoes – the CEO, the Chief Fundraising Officer, the Annual Fund Director, the Major Gifts Officer.  We have developed annual fundraising plans, Capital Campaign plans, solicited gifts, presented to Boards, crafted Cases for Support, stuffed the envelopes and made sure the gift bags are put together for the major event.  We know what you are going through, we know what your challenges are – because we have been there, too.

With Hammond you get strategic thinkers as well as hands-on partners.  Engaging prospects takes real strategy and with us, you get customized action steps designed to bring a prospect to solicitation readiness.  You get the right sequence of activities that brings a campaign from idea to implementation.  And you get perspective when it comes to dealing with a tough situation.  If a simple thank you letter or annual fund solicitation needs to be produced and you and your team are engrossed in the details of the upcoming annual dinner, Hammond will be there to write the letters for you.

At Hammond, we want you to succeed, because your success is our success.  We will be your cheerleaders, coaches and mentors to help you become a better professional, so that you can solicit and close the gifts you seek.

With Hammond, you get a holistic approach to your particular problems and needs.  You can expect us to treat the cause, not the underlying symptoms.  This can sometimes be painful, but you can expect Drs. Hammond and Fallis to be there to deliver the medicine.  If you’re not careful, you’re likely to find that it tastes good and is fun in the process.

"Done" is not good enough

At Hammond, we believe that doing things the right way pays off.  We emphasize and deliver in-depth understanding and practical solutions to the challenges facing non-profits today.

We know how to move your organization, development program or fundraising campaign forward without cutting corners. When our engagement with you ends, you’ll be in a much stronger position to sustain your fundraising success. Hammond leaves you with all of the benefits and experience our 60+ years in the philanthropic world has provided us.

The bottom line … Hammond creates value for your organization.

We bring the highest principles of integrity, honesty, and ethics to our work.

We won’t promise something we can’t deliver and we won’t gloss over any issues.  We commit to your organization for the long haul and we’re there in moments of crises. You see, we know that fundraising is not a 40-hour, 9 – 5 job.  This is not the nature of development work, and we believe this is hardly the case with consultants.  We will serve your schedule and be available when you need us.

When you choose Hammond, you’ll get an effective and enjoyable partner with the knowledge and understanding to treat the cause, not the underlying symptoms.